I have recommended books for you to augment the information I have provided on this website. I've read many books as part of my research, but these books offer information that should be particularly helpful. On each page will be all the basic information about the book, including the reason for my recommendation. It's not supposed to be a traditional review... just a chance to offer additional help to you and your family.
Most of the books I've picked to give you additional background in dealing with the issues with your aging parents. Some I've recommended that you purchase and tried to give specific help if it's rare or hard to find. Some have only a couple of chapters that are unique and I've recommended a visit to the library.
From time to time I have the privilege of meeting the authors. Some will be featured in audio interviews as I continue to develop these resources.
Books on
Talking about Elderly Needs
Books on
Financial Planning
Book on
Moving the Elderly and "Their Stuff"
Books for the Sandwich Generation
Books on
Books on
Senior Health Care
Books on
Senior Housing
Books on
Nursing Homes
Books on
Special Needs Siblings
From Recommended Books to talk early talk often with aging parents Home Page