Hawaii senior services have a long history of community and
government partnership. The programs have traditionally been offered
island to island.
City and County of Honolulu Elderly Affairs Division
This agency is part of the Aging and Disability Resource Center.
The help seniors, people with disabilities, and caregiversby providing:
Information and resources on many issues of importance to your aging parents, those with disabilities or caregivers
Get referrals to community senior services programs
Find help to understand or apply for government benefits and learn to make choices about long term care options
Agencies that Care about Growing Older
PDF listing with active links to agencies in Honolulu that provide a
variety of senior services such as: Caregiver Education, Caregiver
Respite, Caregiver Support Groups, Case Management, Meal Services,
Health Promotion, Housing, Legal Assistance, Transportation
Learn about another source of community senior programs in this video:
Hawaii - Adult and Community Care Services
The Chore Services Program offers vital housekeeping services to
help qualified seniors to stay in their homes. Possible options include
shopping, housecleaning, meal prep and laundry help. These programs are
available statewide.
The Senior Companion Program
is a part-time volunteer program that provides qualified low-income
seniors statewide to provide in-home companionship and limited personal
care to other frail elders and respite to caregivers.
Transportation Assistance for Resident Aliens and Naturalized Citizens
provides help to residents of the state who are 60 years of age or
older and an alien or naturalized citizen to return to their homelands
outside of the United States.
provides direct services at the request of an individual or other social service agency when there are no other resources available. Services are limited to answering out-of-state and other inquiries about persons known to the Department; social assessments at the request of out-of-state agencies; determining appropriateness for domiciliary care placement; and repatriation for U.S. citizens and dependents.
Find services that range from adult day care, adult protective services, attendant care, caregiver counseling, caregiver respite, case management, chores, congregate or delivered meals, disease prevention, friendly visiting, home health care, home modification, homemaker, housing assistance, hospice care, legal assistance, medical alarm or safety device, paraprofessonal services, personal care, to recreation, leisure, physical fitness, and transportation